March 25th Drive On

Our Daily Leadership Message Scripture and Quotes

When you are thankful for what you have, you are always rewarded with more.

Leaders need to respond to individuals based on their needs rather than their faults. The Lord encourages us to see what others need—even our enemies—and respond accordingly.

 Good leaders do this well. They don’t lead out of a predetermined package of behaviors. Like a quarterback who reads the defense, then calls an audible from the line of scrimmage, good leaders remain flexible and may change their response, based not on what a person deserves, but on what they need to succeed. Good leaders follow this path in difficult situations:

• They need—They aren’t afraid to listen and get understanding.

• They read—They evaluate what has happened and what steps are best to take.

 • They feed—They communicate what they’ve observed to key players.

• They heed—They act on the basis of their discovery, even if it means change.

• They lead—They provide direction to those involved.

Leadership Message

Every Man Should Be Able to Save His Own Life

1926 By Earle Liederman

Every man should be able to save his own life. He should be able to swim far enough, run fast and long enough to save his life in case of emergency and necessity. He also should be able to chin himself a reasonable number of times, as well as to dip a number of times, and he should be able to jump a reasonable height and distance.

If he is of the fat, porpoise type, naturally he cannot do all, if any, of these things; he has nobody to blame but himself, and his way of living that has brought his body into its condition of obesity.

Suppose—and it has happened many times—there should be a fire at sea or on lake or river; should one be half a mile or more from the shore, he would be mighty thankful to realize, were he compelled to jump for his life from the fire, that he could swim that distance and reach the shore in safety.

Suppose one were in a burning building and he had to lower himself hand under hand down a rope or down an improvised rope of bedclothing tied together to reach the ground in safety; he again would be thankful a thousand times that he possessed the strength and endurance in his arms and coordinate muscles that would enable him to save himself. Such things never may happen, and let us hope they do not, but what has happened always is possible to occur again—and, in fact, always is happening to someone.
I do not believe in everyone striving to be a long distance swimmer, a long distance runner, or any kind of endurance athlete.

But he should be able to swim at least half a mile or more; he should be able to run at top speed two hundred yards or more; he should be able to jump over obstacles higher than his waist; and he should be in condition to pull his body upward by the strength of his arms, until his chin touches his hands, at least fifteen to twenty times; and as for pushing ability, he should be able to dip between parallel bars or between two chairs at least twenty-five times or more.

If he can accomplish these things he need have no fear concerning the safety of his life should he be forced into an emergency from which he alone may be able to save himself.

“I was taught to endure labor, to want little, and to do things myself.”
—Marcus Aurelius

Daily Scripture

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Daily Quotes
“You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame.”
Erica Jong

“Gifts are easy–they’re given after all. Choices can be hard. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if you’re not careful, and if you do, it’ll probably be to the detriment of your choices.”
Jeff Bezos

“Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day.”
Gary Vaynerchuck

Leaders Leading Leaders

Do you want to make a difference? Then pay attention to the metaphor of the ant. It’s amazing that one of the smallest of God’s creatures can become one of His greatest teachers. The ant teaches us:

 A—Attitude of Initiative—Ants don’t need a commander to tell them to get started.

 N—Nature of Integrity—Ants work faithfully and need no outside

accountability to keep them doing right.
T—Thirst for Industry—Ants work hard and will replace their anthill when it gets ruined.

S—Source of Insight—Ants store provisions in summer. If we consider and learn from the ways of the ant, we can grow wise.

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